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Instructional Technologist
Service Area: Instructional Design
Eric Leupold is a proud Rutgers graduate (BSLER’19) who has been committed to the support of Online Learning and educational technologies at Rutgers University, since 2003 when he started as an Online Course Design Consultant working closely with faculty using the Learning Studio (eCollege). In 2009, he joined the School of Management and Human Relations as an Online Course Coordinator to assist in the development of their online programs while providing dedicated training and support to faculty and students along with assisting in further course development. In 2012 Eric brought his expertise and experience to the Division of Continuing Studies Teaching and Learning with Technology’s (TLT) Online Learning Help Desk and was integral in expanding support services to our current 24/7/365 coverage. He currently works with faculty, staff and students supporting Canvas, Sakai and Moodle along with a focus on instructional technologies. His dedication to outstanding support and relational experience have proven instrumental in developing and maintaining our Online Learning Knowledge base documentation and support systems infrastructure.